Repairs, Cleaning and Maintenance Services

Get your free time back, leave your worries with us!

Repairs, Cleaning and Maintenance Services

Get your free time back, leave your worries with us!
Our Services

Hot Tubs

Swimming Pools


Water Features

Pond Sitting

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Hot Tub Services

Having a great hot tub to relax and unwind after a stressful day does require regular maintenance to keep the water clean and safe, but also to be kind to your skin.

High chlorine or bromine levels can lead to watery eyes, irritation to the chest, dry itchy skin, and an overall strong-smelling vapour. Having a build-up of bio films can lead to bacteria growth in pipes and inside the hot tub.

Regular maintenance will stop this build up and keep the water safe and comfortable on the skin.

Health risks associated with using an unhygienic hot tub: 

  • Swimmer’s Ear
  • Irritation from Bodily Fluids
  • Legionnaires Disease
  • Pontiac Fever
  • Hot Tub Folliculitis or Dermatitis
  • Shigellosis & E. Coli

Swimming Pools

Swimming Pools

Swimming in a crystal-clear pool is one of the best things you can do for fitness and your wellbeing, but this does come at a cost of maintaining the water quality.

Floating leaves and debris can cause tannins to be released into the pool causing brown tinted water and also particles floating around while you swim.  Pool filters do a fantastic job of keeping the water clean but like all filters, to work efficiently they need to be backwashed and maintained.  Pipe work and pump seals can degrade over time causing pump leaks and loss of suction, causing pumps to work harder and be at higher risk of failing.

Chemicals need to be balanced to prevent bacteria, sore eyes, and dry itchy skin.

Ponds and Water Features

Ponds and Water Features

Pond Sitting

Pond Sitting

Customer Service

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Why Choose Us?

We always aim to keep our prices competitive whilst maintaining high standards in customer service and workmanship.
- Integrity
- Commitment
- Trust
- Quality
- Passion


Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom.

Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 8am - 6pm

Prices valid for area’s within a radius of 15 miles from Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire.